How to delete the Multiple Cloud Providers resources
Efficient Resource Cleanup Using Terraform
Step 1: Empty Your AWS S3 Bucket
- Open the AWS Console and navigate to the S3 service.

2. Select the target bucket and choose the “Empty” option.

3. Confirm the deletion by entering “permanently delete” in the provided text field.

4. Click on “Empty” to proceed.

Step 2: Disable Instance Deletion Protection
- Launch the Google Editor and access the path: mission1_en/mission1/en/terraform/. Open the file.

2. Locate line 11 in file and modify:
— Replace deletion_protection = “true”
with deletion_protection = “false”

3. Switch to the Terminal.

4. Execute the following commands to apply the changes in the terraform file:
cd ~/mission1_en/mission1/en/terraform/
terraform init
terraform apply
Enter a value: yes

Now, you’re set to delete all resources using terraform destroy
5. Run the following command to initiate resource deletion:
terraform destroy
Enter a value: yes